Welcome to the 2024 Calibear Cyber Cafe Membership PC Rental Pricing Guide!

We are thrilled to offer our esteemed customers flexible and affordable PC rental services! Whether you're a casual gamer, a hardcore enthusiast, or someone who enjoys a comfortable and private gaming environment, we have something for everyone!

Standard PC Options

Ideal for casual gaming, web browsing, or getting some work done.

Service Duration Price (per person)
Hourly Fun 1 Hour $6

VIP Private Room PC Options

Perfect for those who prefer a more exclusive and private gaming environment.

Service Duration Price (per person)
Premium Hourly Rate 1 Hour $8

Recharge Bonus Plan

To further enhance your gaming experience, we have introduced a new recharge bonus plan!

Recharge Amount Range Bonus Credit
≥ $30 and < $50 $6
≥ $50 and < $100 $16
≥ $100 and < $200 $44
≥ $200 and < $1000 $100
≥ $1000 $650

Important Notes

  • All recharge and balance credits can be used directly after logging into the computer. Our front desk will assist you with recharging your account, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free gaming experience.
  • When deducting fees, the bonus credit will be used first, followed by the account balance. Both types of credit do not expire.





服务 时长 价格(每人)
小时乐趣 1小时 $6



服务 时长 价格(每人)
高级小时费率 1小时 $8



充值金额范围 赠送额外余额
≥ $30 且 < $50 $6
≥ $50 且 < $100 $16
≥ $100 且 < $200 $44
≥ $200 且 < $1000 $100
≥ $1000 $650


  • 所有充值和余额均可直接在电脑登录后使用。我们的前台将协助您完成账户充值,确保您的游戏体验顺畅无忧。
  • 在扣费时,会优先扣除赠送额外余额,然后再扣除账户余额,这两种余额都不会过期。